Padmapriya, who is gearing up for the release of Jayaraj's Naayika, a biopic of yesteryear heroine Sharada, will soon leave for the US for higher studies. She is planning to do an MA in Public Administration from New York University.
"But that doesn't mean that I am saying goodbye to films. I will be coming home for every break and I am planning to do movies during that time," she clarified.
Meanwhile, according to Padmapriya, who has given several flawless performances for the past seven years, she is not a good actor! "I am not a good actor. There is much more to do and learn. I am comfortable doing glamorous roles and have no qualms going nude if the character demands it. I am not against the idea of looking sexy. But I don't like women being looked at as mere objects of sex," she said.
"But that doesn't mean that I am saying goodbye to films. I will be coming home for every break and I am planning to do movies during that time," she clarified.
Meanwhile, according to Padmapriya, who has given several flawless performances for the past seven years, she is not a good actor! "I am not a good actor. There is much more to do and learn. I am comfortable doing glamorous roles and have no qualms going nude if the character demands it. I am not against the idea of looking sexy. But I don't like women being looked at as mere objects of sex," she said.
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