Actor Bharath’s upcoming film would be ‘Yuvan Yuvathi’ produced by Dr. V. Ramadoss, an NRI who has been ranked among the ‘top 50’ among the Indians residing away from the country. Dr. Ramadoss has also been conferred the prestigious award of ‘Best NRI’ by none other than Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
The film pits model Reema Kallingal opposite Bharath in her debut film in Tamil as heroine. The film has been directed by G.N.R. Kumaravel. The film features Santhanam, who is being signed up in every other film as the friend of the hero, right from Vishal to Shanthanu.
Talking about his film, Bharath says, “In the past few years, I have done quite a few action films in ‘Aarumugam’, ‘Pazhani’ and ‘Tiruthani’ (the last one is yet to release, though). In the beginning of this year, I was offered ‘Yuvan Yuvathi’, a script which would make the audience laugh aloud forgetting all their worries.
“The story is about the romantic life of a youth who dreams of visiting the U.S. and narrates in detail the consequences of his love affair. He does encounter problems in his love and overcomes it in his own style,” says Bharath, who also revealed that it wasn’t the leading pair who is shown to be ‘getting too close’ with each other coveringboth their faces with a duppatta!
He also added that Reema is a very promising ‘find’ and predicted her to have a long innings in Kollywood. He likened Reema to many Hollywood heroines who look jaded in the opening sequence of a film but appear to be getting beautiful with every progressing frame of the film! Wonder what he meant to convey?
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